
Software Development => My Software => Topic started by: Tom on October 03, 2007, 03:06:27 pm

Title: memuse reading virtual memory correctly ?
Post by: Tom on October 03, 2007, 03:06:27 pm
hi  :)

do i understand correctly that by virtual memory,
memuse (0.4 I have) means the paging file?

mine is currently set to 3gb on a second harddrive (not on C:)
memuse says 1,989,263,360 kb i presume, which would make it roughly 2gb.
I have 2gb ram which is showing correctly.

I'm wondering because -
I've been having problems with one programme in particular -
it is an old (1999) programme & I've just installed on new dual-core pc
When I try start it first time from desktop shortcut it complains about not enough memory
Second time it starts but forgets all preferences selected from last time.

I dont expect you to solve the problems with programme !! -
just wondering about the pagefile if windows is even using it properly..
& wondering if i understand the memuse figures

(To complicate things apparently theres a hotfix often necessary for xp sp2
if you have more than 1gb of ram. I was having trouble hibernating - error was
"Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API"
but the hotfix ( fixed that...but not the above problem)

thanks, tom

Title: Re: memuse reading virtual memory correctly ?
Post by: no name on February 13, 2008, 10:55:03 pm
This is probably due to 32-bit windows not being able to use more than roughly 4 GB of ram, if its a 64-bit version though it should be fine.