
Software Development => Win32Get => Topic started by: VaMPiRiC_CRoW on January 07, 2004, 02:42:58 pm

Title: new version...
Post by: VaMPiRiC_CRoW on January 07, 2004, 02:42:58 pm

this is a really nice download manager for is size!  :laugh:

When is the new version came out?


Title: new version...
Post by: Gena01 on January 29, 2004, 10:04:15 am
I am not sure. I might rewrite portions of it that need some work.

I am open to ideas for new features/improvements/bug reports.


Title: new version...
Post by: henrik on February 10, 2004, 03:44:38 pm
I realy would like to see the watch clipboard for a start.
One other thing. Would it be possible to move the ini file to the same folder as the exe or at least have a command otption to point out where the ini file is?