Uh...skins. Let me ask what is more important:
A slim, flexible and functional tool or a good looking, skinable tool which is lacking of functions?
Do you want to look at it and show it around or do you want to use it productively?
I mean, what is Win32Get really usefull for?
Downloading regular exe/zip/rar/etc. files linked from a webpage? No, you can use the browser
built in functions or a big downloadmanager.
Only if your browser is not running and you get an email with a link to a file.
Then you want to have a one-click-open-ctrl-v-hit-return tool like Win32Get.
Other scenario, there s a nice swf/mov file embedded in a webpage, how do u download it?
You don t have a chance with a regular browser, you need
Win32Get where u just paste the link and leech the file.
How can things like skins help to improve the piece of software for this simple needs?
No offence,
PS: an always on top feature would be cool: u see a nice link on a webpage, you doulbleclick
on the taskbar icon, the new download window opens, u select&ctrl+v the link (new download
window stays on top) and u paste the content and hit return.
This may take 2 seconds - thats what I call productively working