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Author Topic: How to save in UTF-8 format  (Read 78026 times)
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Posts: 2

« on: April 02, 2006, 10:37:39 pm »

How do I save a file in the UTF-8 format than the ANSI format!

A long long time was any win32pad my first and only editor but now I need to save my textfiles as UTF-8, and the normal windows notepad would do that if I wish, win32pad i don't know how.

If i open with the win32pad a file what was saved as UTF-8 it saved it as a ANSI and destoy the format, that is not good.

Sorry for my not so good english

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Posts: 119

« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2006, 05:31:03 pm »

You can't.

But perhaps in the future, you may see some of this:

Dec. 15 2005,14:48

Sorry. I know it's been rather quiet... or too quiet here lately... at least on my part. I've been busy. Lots of stuff going on. Among all the stuff that's happening I am putting together the next win32pad release.

Here is preliminary changelog:
+ Added Unicode file support. (Experimental)
+ Changed Copy to Clipboard to copy Unicode text. (Experimental)
+ Added .text file extension to Open/Save filters.
x "Save As" wasn't asking permission to overwrite the file.
x Fixed focus transfer after Replace All.
x Increased the Search/Replace to 255 characters from 80.

Stay tuned,

Posts: 2

« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2006, 02:07:51 am »

Sorry, but i cant wait.

From now, Notepad++ is my favourite editor. Win32pad seems miles away from this. For me its like a switch from b/w TV to High Definition TV.
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2006, 07:20:49 am »

found that with winpad32, latest version, that the find function does not work properly. to find 10 ascii characters, it found the first occurance, then found the second occurance, but on any subsequent find it seems to be frozen up.... at that point using ctrl alt del it shows winpad32 as not responding. Note that this is viewing/searching a Huge ascii file, actually a website log file which was 80 MEG in size. My computer has plenty of free disk space, memory is 512 Meg of sdram (and with the "virtual" memory... puts the "memory" to about 1700 Meg (real plus virtual). Loading of that size file seems to be no problem, and no problem viewing, but the "find" does seem to fail after the first couple of finds. Possibly a bug. Hopefully you will find the problem, but in the meantime I will try to find another "notepad replacement"... I "was" pleased with Winpad32 until I discovered this problem, but not I have to search for something else.
Note: you should have a bug report location or a form on site for bug reporting (email is unsatisfactory as there is no guarantee of getting put onto a spamlist, forms are more secure that way).
Full Member
Posts: 119

« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2006, 10:17:45 am »

I created a 66MB file & searched for the strings, "BALTIMORE " & "supercalafr".

BALTIMORE , I knew it would find multiple times.
supercalafr, I knew it would not find at all.

I had no problem finding each occurance of BALTIMORE.

Then trying supercalafr, I though I might see it "hang", ie: seemingly hang because of the possiblity of a relative long search time, but in fact the search completely (suprisingly) relatively quickly.  (And it correctly returned no results).


What OS are you running?

Mine is XP Home SP2, AMD Sempron 3000, 512MB ram.


In particular, if you are running Win98, you might check your version of RICHED20.DLL.  Older versions can cause problems.

In XP, I have Richedit Version 3.0, File version
On 98, I have Richedit Version 3.0, File version
Posts: 3

« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2006, 12:35:53 pm »

Quote (DerPatrick @ April 02 2006,23:37)
How do I save a file in the UTF-8 format than the ANSI format!

A long long time was any win32pad my first and only editor but now I need to save my textfiles as UTF-8, and the normal windows notepad would do that if I wish, win32pad i don't know how.

If i open with the win32pad a file what was saved as UTF-8 it saved it as a ANSI and destoy the format, that is not good.

Sorry for my not so good english


Hi everyone i am a newbie in all what webdesign concerns sorry if my questions are to easy to be answered, but what is the difference  between UTF-8 format than the ANSI format!, what for are they used?, and if win32pad does no have this feature what kind of thins can not be done with win32pad?

Is Notepad++ a superior editor than win32pad and notepad?
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