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Author Topic: Win32Pad 1.3.1 Feedback  (Read 68377 times)
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Sr. Member
Posts: 423

« on: May 26, 2003, 08:04:58 pm »

Please post your comments, flames, problems, bug reports regarding the release in this thread.

« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2003, 11:23:40 am »

"File has been changed.  Reload?"

Dialog now pops up twice if you answer no.  (Don't know if that's good or not?)

And after answering no (twice), if you minimize the file window, then restore it, you are asked again.  (Don't know if that's good or not?)

If you don't minimize, but select a different window, & then return, the dialog only pops up once.

If you answer Yes to reload, it does & that's that.

But if you answer No, and later choose Revert (F4), first asks if you want to save, then it brings up the File Changed dialog.  (Or I think it did - trying it a second time, I'm not as sure it happened?)
Sr. Member
Posts: 423

« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2003, 05:39:31 pm »

Ahh... I see it... ARGH... ok I am investigating this thingy....

« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2003, 11:50:19 am »

"File has been deleted.  Keep it in editor?"

Cool.  I like it!  Getting better all the time.
Sr. Member
Posts: 423

« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2003, 02:39:16 pm »

Allright... I have a preliminary fix that works. It doesn't ask the question twice, but it's a risky patch that really needs a lot of testing (since it could break on some systems). I might release a test/experimental build.

therube: if you are starting to post regularly, then you might want to setup a profile here. :)

« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2003, 09:30:00 pm »

When I type more then 16 Chinese characters in Win32Pad 1.3.1,
It always hangs.

you can see it:

And use Virtual C++ to debug it:

It was occured since 1.1.4.
May you fix it? Thank you!
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2003, 09:43:23 am »

Hi Gennady,

I just downloaded v. 1.3.1.

I really like Win32Pad and use it in place of Notepad.

But, there is one thing I have found annoying in this and previous versions:

If I cut a complete line and then paste it back, the trailing cr/lf is missing and I must hit <enter> to re-insert it.

If I cut a line and then it paste back into the same location, I should be back where I started - not so in Win32Pad - the trailing cr/lf is missing and I am forced to reinsert it manually.

Please include the trailing cr/lf in a cut or copy of a line (or multiple lines) and eliminate this annoyance.

I am running Windows 95 - SR2.

I originally posted this complaint under "News comments" but got no reply.

Thanks for great editor.
Posts: 32

« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2003, 03:14:47 am »

hmm... do you face the problem in multiple lines?
If you do, it implies that copying/cutting several lines of text makes them into a single line when pasted.

If not, then I would suspect that you are not copying/cutting the whole line, only the line excluding the end of line character, i.e. "\r\n" in m$ windows.

I dont face a multiple line bug of this type, but then I dont use win95.
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2003, 05:55:06 am »

well its about "File changed. Keep it in editor" checking while im working with files on floppy.. it takes a while then u return to the file on A: ...really annoying as 4 me, and problems if i want to remove diskette and insert other..keeping working with opened file.. it renames to Untitled.

i understand that "File changed. Keep it in editor" function is very useful, but if i dont need this. Maybe in further version u should make a selection in Options menu to turn or off this function? let it be turned On by default:)

P.S. u fixed tollbar styles in 1.3.1 to the old style:) I like this:)
Sr. Member
Posts: 423

« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2003, 09:57:10 am »

Quote (Guest @ June 03 2003,06:55)
well its about "File changed. Keep it in editor" checking while im working with files on floppy.. it takes a while then u return to the file on A: ...really annoying as 4 me, and problems if i want to remove diskette and insert other..keeping working with opened file.. it renames to Untitled.

i understand that "File changed. Keep it in editor" function is very useful, but if i dont need this. Maybe in further version u should make a selection in Options menu to turn or off this function? let it be turned On by default:)

P.S. u fixed tollbar styles in 1.3.1 to the old style:) I like this:)

Thanks for the feedback. I am working on fixing it up. I will make a checkbox for it in the options so you can turn it off.

« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2003, 08:06:22 am »

Any plan to make it open sources?  All would have been fixed by now and a few new features could have been implemented also.

Your work is good but I think you need someone to look at the code to help you a bit and sort out those bugs coming out each new versions, one go, one new bug.
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2003, 11:47:26 am »

I have a feature idea/ enhancement request for you.

How about if the width of the line numbers column were only as wide as the widest, currently visible line number? That might not make any since, so let me explain.

I am working on a document that consists of 1,000 lines. If I am looking at line 1 through line 50, the gray area that the line numbers are displayed within will be the same width as when I am looking at lines 301 through 350. Again this is the same if I am looking at lines 951 through 1,000.

I would like to see the width of the row numbers column adjusted to the width of the widest, currently visible line number. If I am looking at lines 50 through 99 then the row number column would be as wide as needed to display two characters. If I then scroll down one line, so that line 100 is visible, the row numbers column will be as wide as three characters.

If you have Microsoft Excel, open it up and you will notice that this is the same thing that it dose. I think that this would be a nice feature to have in the program. It conserves screen real estate and looks good.

Also since I am on the topic of the row number column, I would like to be able to turn it off and on from the toolbar. Instead of going into the settings, it would be just like turning word wrap on and off from the toolbar.

You have created a great little (and I mean little in a good way) program. I thank you for making it available to us,

« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2003, 09:28:16 pm »


First, I would like to say thank you for programming this top-notch text editor. I have just switched from using metapad to win32pad as my editor of choice due to problems with latency at fast typing rates.

Just some (minor) issues regarding this otherwise excellent program:
(1) The main icon for the program is an eyesore. Why not change it to something less obtrusive, simpler, yet refined. Considering the sheer number of plain text files I have on my computer, it would make my desktop much easier on the eye.
(2) The program description on the right-click menu would read much more neatly as simply "Win32Pad"
(3) Please consider implementing an "unwordwrap" feature, for files which have committed wordwrap settings.
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