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Author Topic: Win32Pad 1.4.0 Feedback  (Read 88613 times)
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Sr. Member
Posts: 423

« on: August 31, 2003, 09:50:21 pm »

Please report feedback on Win32Pad 1.4.0 in this thread.

Posts: 32

« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2003, 04:17:00 am »

I noticed in version 1.3.3 and earlier versions that one could select the current line using SHIFT + TAB

In version 1.4.0, this is no longer the case.
The current line can still be selected using this method if the cursor is at end of line, but SHIFT + TAB behaves as a tab otherwise.

The normal block outdent functionality of SHIFT + TAB for a selected block/line remains intact.
Sr. Member
Posts: 423

« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2003, 08:48:14 am »

Quote (laserlight @ Sep. 01 2003,05:17)
I noticed in version 1.3.3 and earlier versions that one could select the current line using SHIFT + TAB

In version 1.4.0, this is no longer the case.
The current line can still be selected using this method if the cursor is at end of line, but SHIFT + TAB behaves as a tab otherwise.

The normal block outdent functionality of SHIFT + TAB for a selected block/line remains intact.

I just checked and you are right. For SHIFT+TAB it selects the whole line (if no selection) and outdents it. So if there is no space in the beginning of the line it just selects the whole line in 1.3.3.
This is a bug in 1.4.0. I do have a really small fix, will combine the fix into the next release, since it's not a major bug.

« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2003, 11:26:27 am »

tool bar is shown randomly if swiched off in options

1) swich off tool bar
2) exit win32pad
3) drug&drop txt file to win32pad.exe icon in explorer = I get empty tool bar shown
4) then close win32pad and open it again - same, empty tool bar shown

(I am under XP)

Good luck.
Posts: 6

« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2003, 09:12:28 pm »

I am still encountering problems with Win32pad opening larger text files. My ICQ logs is arond 3.5 meg, and when using Win32pad to open, it juz hangs there....showing "opening file"

P3-600, 256 meg ram, w2k SP4,  win32pad 1.4.0
Sr. Member
Posts: 423

« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2003, 09:23:50 pm »

Quote (Koala @ Sep. 01 2003,22:12)
I am still encountering problems with Win32pad opening larger text files. My ICQ logs is arond 3.5 meg, and when using Win32pad to open, it juz hangs there....showing "opening file"

P3-600, 256 meg ram, w2k SP4,  win32pad 1.4.0

Do you mind e-mailing me your test file and your settings? (win32pad.ini) and any other info that might be relevant for me to reproduce this on my machine. (P3-900 256MB ram Win2k SP4)

Sr. Member
Posts: 423

« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2003, 09:28:04 pm »

Quote (Guest @ Sep. 01 2003,12:26)
tool bar is shown randomly if swiched off in options

1) swich off tool bar
2) exit win32pad
3) drug&drop txt file to win32pad.exe icon in explorer = I get empty tool bar shown
4) then close win32pad and open it again - same, empty tool bar shown

(I am under XP)

Good luck.

Confirmed and shall be fixed in the next release.

« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2003, 10:49:11 pm »

Modem log (in windows folder -> ModemLog_nameofyourmodem.txt) not open correctly. It has spaces after each character.

(P3-1400@1609, 384MB, WinXP SP1)
Posts: 15

« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2003, 11:43:08 am »

On Windows XP the right-click menu on URL's doesn't work correctly (I tested it on Windows NT box and it does work properly, though).

On Windows XP if you right-click on a url you get a menu that has Launch, Select and Copy. 1) Launch opens up Windows Explorer to the directory where the file is saved, 2) Select, selects from the end of the url to the end of the file and 3) Copy, selects from the end of the url to the end of the file and copies it to the clipboard.  Not really sure if any of these three are the correct behaviors, just thought I would let you know.

I have riched20.dll version 3.0 (file version installed.

Just to follow up on my previous idea's, thanks:
- configurable to allow single click of url's in files
- adding filetype association to the program, not the installer and adding more filetypes
- an entry in the Options menu to clear MRU
- pressing escape to close about window

Thanks again for a great Notepad replacement, I've installed it on every computer I come in contact with!!!!
Sr. Member
Posts: 423

« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2003, 12:50:14 pm »

Quote (mrtech @ Sep. 02 2003,12:43)
On Windows XP the right-click menu on URL's doesn't work correctly (I tested it on Windows NT box and it does work properly, though).

On Windows XP if you right-click on a url you get a menu that has Launch, Select and Copy. 1) Launch opens up Windows Explorer to the directory where the file is saved, 2) Select, selects from the end of the url to the end of the file and 3) Copy, selects from the end of the url to the end of the file and copies it to the clipboard.  Not really sure if any of these three are the correct behaviors, just thought I would let you know.

I have riched20.dll version 3.0 (file version installed.

Just to follow up on my previous idea's, thanks:
- configurable to allow single click of url's in files
- adding filetype association to the program, not the installer and adding more filetypes
- an entry in the Options menu to clear MRU
- pressing escape to close about window

Thanks again for a great Notepad replacement, I've installed it on every computer I come in contact with!!!!

Actually it's the new right click menu for URL. It's supposed to have 3 options:

1. Launch - should launch your default browser.
2. Select - highlight URL so that you can copy/paste it
3. Copy - copies the URL to clipboard.

I am open to suggestions, comments, flames on the new right click menu. Also there are a couple of small bug fixes pending already.

EDIT: One more thing. I am still working on more fixes and features. Just wanted to stop and let you guys test what I have so far without delaying the release another month or so.


Sr. Member
Posts: 423

« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2003, 12:55:10 pm »

Quote (Guest @ Sep. 01 2003,23:49)
Modem log (in windows folder -> ModemLog_nameofyourmodem.txt) not open correctly. It has spaces after each character.

(P3-1400@1609, 384MB, WinXP SP1)

That file is in Unicode format, which is not handled yet. I might add this sometime in the future.

There are actually a couple of things that are holding me back regarding adding Unicode support:

- I will need to compile 2 versions of Win32Pad with and without Unicode support. I might not be able to thoroughly test non-Unicode version on Win9x systems. Also there might be a possibility of running a Unicode version on Win9x system, but that needs more research and testing. Also some Unicode API might be missing on Win9x.
- The current code is not clean and needs some work to be able to support Unicode properly.

Full Member
Posts: 119

« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2003, 06:13:49 pm »

Tabs are not correct ?

   1   2   3   4   5

(1, 2, 3, ... line up with the astericks - but not in this post)

This is under Win2K.  I could have sworn it was different under Win98?  I'll have to check again tomorrow.
Sr. Member
Posts: 423

« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2003, 07:50:03 pm »

Quote (therube @ Sep. 02 2003,19:13)
Tabs are not correct ?

   1   2   3   4   5

(1, 2, 3, ... line up with the astericks - but not in this post)

This is under Win2K.  I could have sworn it was different under Win98?  I'll have to check again tomorrow.

Don't forget that it depends on the font! If the font is not proportional then there is no way to line up according to tabs.

Full Member
Posts: 119

« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2003, 01:30:40 am »

"not proportional" <-> not fixed?

No, it's just not displaying correctly posted here.

In Win2K, first tab = 8 spaces, each subsequent = 7 spaces.

And I believe when I looked under Win98 earlier it was different again.
Full Member
Posts: 119

« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2003, 01:27:08 pm »

Tabs revisited.  This all deals with Win98 + 1.4.0.

if tab=space  & tabsize=8 :: 8-5-7-7-7
if tab<>space & ts=8 :: 6-5-5-5-5


if tab<>space, the tab size option is not making a difference
if tab=space & ts=4 :: 4-1-3-3-3
if tab=space & ts=6 :: 6-3-5-5-5

FWIW using v1.3.3

if tab=space & ts=9 :: 8-7-7-7-7
if tab=space & ts=4 :: 4-3-3-3-3
if tab<>space :: 6-5-5-5-5 regardless of ts
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