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Author Topic: Win32Pad 1.5.10  (Read 181932 times)
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Sr. Member
Posts: 423

« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2006, 09:08:50 pm »

Quote (therube @ May 25 2006,16:33)
Looks like you're right.
I loaded up Win98 & here's what I found:
Code Sample

             Title Bar   Save As
            ---------      -------
Win32pad    SFN         SFN
VIM           Long        Long
Notepad     Long        SFN
Wordpad     SFN         SFN
Word         Long        Long

SFN = Short filename
Long= Long filename

Ok I looked into this. There's some API that need to be called to get the proper long filename support. Apparently there's a wrapper for Windows 95 which doesn't have support for it. Windows 98 and later should have it. I have put together a beta build for you to test:  Win32Pad Beta Build

Let me know if it works for you.

Thank you,


Posts: 9

« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2006, 10:51:37 pm »

The beta works fine for me on Win98SE. I tried it with short file names and long file names -- with no spaces, with spaces, and up to 60 characters long with spaces. All my tests worked for both the title bar and the Save As field.

I'm impressed. Thank you Gena01!

Jon Maloney
Posts: 9

« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2006, 12:42:13 pm »

I've just discovered a problem related to pasting from the clipboard. I wrote an email in Eudora, copied it to the clipboard, pasted it into Win32pad, and got only a square symbol followed by a B. I pasted the same clipboard contents into MS Word, Programmer's File Editor, Notepad, and Wordpad and they all worked fine. I tested the problem in Win32pad 1.5.10 beta (the one to fix long file names) as well as the non-beta version. Both versions had the same problem.

I thought perhaps it was something weird in Eudora that the other editors were properly converting, but that Win32pad couldn't handle. So I pasted into Notepad and then copied the Notepad contents and pasted them into Win32pad. I only got the square B again.

Then I tested the same paste in Win32pad and it worked fine.  

Jon Maloney
Sr. Member
Posts: 423

« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2006, 07:45:51 pm »

Quote (jmaloney @ May 27 2006,13:42)
I've just discovered a problem related to pasting from the clipboard. I wrote an email in Eudora, copied it to the clipboard, pasted it into Win32pad, and got only a square symbol followed by a B. I pasted the same clipboard contents into MS Word, Programmer's File Editor, Notepad, and Wordpad and they all worked fine. I tested the problem in Win32pad 1.5.10 beta (the one to fix long file names) as well as the non-beta version. Both versions had the same problem.

I thought perhaps it was something weird in Eudora that the other editors were properly converting, but that Win32pad couldn't handle. So I pasted into Notepad and then copied the Notepad contents and pasted them into Win32pad. I only got the square B again.

Then I tested the same paste in Win32pad and it worked fine.  

Jon Maloney

Ok. A couple of things first:
1. Which font are you using in Win32Pad? Did you try a Unicode font like Arial?
2. Can you e-mail me the piece of text that you used so I could reproduce it on my end?

Thank you,

Posts: 9

« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2006, 08:53:27 am »


I'm using Arial in both Win32pad and Eudora.

The problem occurs with any text I copy to the clipboard from Eudora (mail I'm writing, mail I've sent, or mail I've received). The paste works properly in Win32pad and not in

I have not found a way to save the clipboard as a file without the text being altered in a way that solves the problem. If I paste text from Eudora into Notepad or Programmers File Editor, copy that text into the clipboard again, and then paste into Win32pad, all I get is a square B. However, if I first save the text from Notepad or PFE as a file, open the file in Notepad or PFE, copy it, and paste it to Win32pad it works fine. So whatever's in the clipboard that's causing the problem is fixed when the text is saved as a file and then read again.

My Eudora text is "styled text". The manual says styled text is HTML. If I try to paste it into MS Word using Paste Special, Word shows me three options:  Formatted Text (RTF), Unformatted Text, and HTML Format, but if I paste it into Word using the HTML option nothing gets pasted. If I select either of the other two options the text gets pasted properly.

It looks to me like Win32pad, Notepad, and my other editors automatically convert the "styled text" from the clipboard to unformatted text, but Win32pad doesn't.

I'm writing this post in Eudora which I'll email to you and paste into the forum. Any text I copy from this mail into Win32pad causes the problem.

Jon Maloney
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2006, 08:35:48 pm »


...sorry...duplicate post from other thread...should have put this here....

I just wanted to bring a possible bug to your attention...When I try to install and run Win32Pad v1.5.10 either from the .zip or .exe I get the following message:

"Fatal Error - Error While loading DLL unicows.dll - The Application Will Terminate Now"

 FYI - running win98 -

Also just download and tried the previous version - The problem does NOT occur on the v1.5.9.1

so....corrupt file on server?

just thought you would want to know....

also....any thoughts?

Mark Farrar
Sr. Member
Posts: 423

« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2006, 09:24:34 pm »

Quote (Guest @ May 29 2006,21:35)

...sorry...duplicate post from other thread...should have put this here....

I just wanted to bring a possible bug to your attention...When I try to install and run Win32Pad v1.5.10 either from the .zip or .exe I get the following message:

"Fatal Error - Error While loading DLL unicows.dll - The Application Will Terminate Now"

 FYI - running win98 -

Also just download and tried the previous version - The problem does NOT occur on the v1.5.9.1

so....corrupt file on server?

just thought you would want to know....

also....any thoughts?

Mark Farrar

You need to install unicows.dll on Windows 98 since 98 doesn't support some of the API that I am using. I am trying to make as much progress as possible without breaking stuff, but in order for me to do so I need to switch to some new API which some older platforms do not support. Trust me that this is not an easy task to do if I need to consider backwards compatibility. At this point in time I am sticking to some functionality provided by unicows.dll. Please let me know if there's still a problem after installing unicows.dll

Posts: 7

« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2006, 09:18:38 am »


I have unicows.dll on the system already (in support of other apps)...that is why I thought your download files may be corrupted.  The .dll is currently in a default location.  Is it that your program looks for the .dll in a specific place?  Does it need to reside with the .exe for Win32pad?  ...that will be my next try.  As I said...didn't even try that...just assumed that your code looked in the default windows directory.  ..oops...my bad.]

I'll let you know...will try it later today when I get home...


M Farrar
Full Member
Posts: 119

« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2006, 01:23:37 pm »

I also run Eudora (v6.2).

I do not appear to have any pasting difficulties (into Win32pad 1.5.10), though I am running WinXP rather then Win98.
Full Member
Posts: 119

« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2006, 01:29:51 pm »

I have unicows.dll on the system already

Just guessing, but possibly related to the version of unicows.dll?

See my post in the other thread:
Posts: 7

« Reply #25 on: May 30, 2006, 06:59:02 pm »

Problem solved...thanks.

I put unicows.dll in the target intallation directory and everything works now.  I waspreviously operating under the assumption that unicows.dll should be in the "quasi default" windows location.  It appears that when you wrote the program, you intended for the code to look for the .dll in its local directory instead ???

anyway...that seems to work just fine!

thanks for the help.....great program!

M Farrar
Posts: 9

« Reply #26 on: May 30, 2006, 07:18:28 pm »

I put unicows.dll in the target intallation directory and everything works now.  I waspreviously operating under the assumption that unicows.dll should be in the "quasi default" windows location.  It appears that when you wrote the program, you intended for the code to look for the .dll in its local directory instead ???

Interesting. I'm on Win98SE, have unicows.dll in C:\Windows\System (and not in the Win32pad directory), and Win32pad works fine.

Jon Maloney
Posts: 7

« Reply #27 on: May 30, 2006, 08:19:24 pm »

acutally...just tried that too....

yes...it does work just fine in \windows\system OR in the target install directory for the application.

What I was trying to do was use the .dll directly from the \windows directory....my bad....just a goof...

it appears that at least 5 other apps on my machine use this unicows...each one has placed it in a separate place...interesting...

anyway...YES...  /windows/system IS the correct answer....thanks for the all for the help!

M Farrar
Posts: 7

« Reply #28 on: May 30, 2006, 08:21:58 pm »

Another Question...different topic...

I just got this app up and working and I really like the features....but one option seems to be missing from the help file...

can anyone tell me what checking "smart home" does?

...it is under tools-options-editor


M Farrar
Full Member
Posts: 119

« Reply #29 on: June 01, 2006, 07:19:49 pm »

Home normally returns the cursor to column #1.
Smart home returns the cursor to the first non-whitespace character on a line.
hi there you swine.
       hi there you swine.

Home would take you to column number 1 on both lines above.
Smart home would take you to column number 1 on the first line, & column number 7 on the second line.
Also with Smart home, hitting Home a second time will take you back to column #1.
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