« on: September 18, 2005, 10:04:41 pm » |
Please report feedback on Win32Pad in this thread.
Things coming in later releases: - Better printing support. (Stay tuned a rewrite is in progress) - More fixes and improvements. - Other exciting stuff.
Please please check for any regressions and report any problems/bugs you find.
Thank you.

Posts: 3
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2005, 01:30:57 pm » |
Not a regression with the new version, but there is a bug with the clipboard and Search & Replace and a limit of 80 characters.
1. Start WinPad32 2. Open a document that contains a line longer than 80 characters. 3. Select the line and press CTRL+C (Copy) 4. Press CTRL+F (Find) and press CTRL+V and then press Enter 5. Notice that it only selects the first 80 characters of the line.
This also happens when doing Replace, where it only replaces the first 80 characters.
If there is a need for a 80 characters limitation, then there should at least be a warning that operation will not be performed as intended. Have ended up with some funny documents after doing search and replace.

Posts: 3
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2005, 01:52:20 pm » |
Not a regression with the new version, but there is a focus bug with Search and Replaced (Also mentioned in Win32Pad 1.5.9)
1. Open a document 2. Press CTRL+H and perform a Replace All, now the Replace-dialog has lost focus. 3. When pressing Esc to close the Replace-dialog nothing happens. (Unless having activated "Exit on Esc" as it then it asks whether to save changes to the document, which isn't a good thing either)
I don't experience this behavior with the Find-dialog.
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2005, 01:11:33 am » |
Hello there!
Was pretty much excited when I read today that you want to implement the feat to let win32pad remember the file type one last opened. I was even more excited when I found that a version has been released which should be capable of exactly this!
*download* *unzip* *runit* *openfile* *closewin32pad* *runit* *openfile* ... It hasn't remembered the file type...
Am I doing something wrong?
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2005, 01:38:23 am » |
DOS encoding not supported. Bad.
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2005, 12:15:07 am » |
I cannot copy & paste with a text that have 2bytes characters(ex. korean, japanese).
But, it works very well with a text that only 1byte characters.
It does not support 2bytes character?

Posts: 3
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2005, 07:18:15 am » |
I have a text file that when I replace a ";" with ",", it takes ages to complete. A tried a different texteditor and it was finished in 3 minutes.
I can send you the file if you like.
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2005, 08:56:09 am » |
Quote (guidorobben @ Sep. 26 2005,08:18) | I have a text file that when I replace a ";" with ",", it takes ages to complete. A tried a different texteditor and it was finished in 3 minutes.
I can send you the file if you like.
Guido | Please send me the file, also provide your computer information like (CPU, RAM) and O/S.
Thank you,
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2005, 11:03:13 am » |
Code Sample | File: allfiles 3,986,619 bytes System: AMD Sempron 3000+, 448MB RAM, Windows XP
Programs: win32pad v1.5.9.1 subpad v1.0 gvim (aka vim aka vi) v6.3
at one point & had all three program running at once.
VMem sizes: gvim 18560KB win32pad 14084KB subpad 50000KB & growing
replace all instances off 'e' with 'xx' 200,910 substitutions on 68,497 lines; 80,672 lines total in file
gvim finished - in an instant (& that is with win32pad running & subpad [still] loading)
initially, only running win32pad, it was using 99% cpu - causes a big drag on the system
then when I started subpad, cpu was split 50/50%
then when I started gvim, cpu was ? - gvim finished too quickly for any difference to be noted
subpad got to 500KB VM & was still loading the file - i killed it
win32pad FINALLY finished - i didn't time it, but should have - might have been upwards of 18 minutes or so
now, running subpad alone, cpu 99% VM 541KB
taking 4 minutes just to open the file - & then I get an out of memory error from subpad - it loaded 42,891 lines out of the 80,672 total, so only about 50% -- search & replace is only using 30% cpu -- much less of a drain on system --- though it is also taking a long time (I had thought it used a Boyer-Moore - yep it says it does)
finally finish (on the truncated file) in about 6 minutes, but also recevied an "Assertion failure" |
In my mind, it's more about using the right tool for the job. And for doing what I did, gvim was the right tool.
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2005, 11:16:32 am » |
Can you send me that file you used for testing? I will take a look and see if I can do anything about it.
I am also working on a bunch of other great stuff. My current problem is so much to do so little time.

Posts: 14
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2005, 02:02:38 pm » |
Quote (Guest @ Sep. 23 2005,07:15) | I cannot copy & paste with a text that have 2bytes characters(ex. korean, japanese).
But, it works very well with a text that only 1byte characters.
It does not support 2bytes character? |
I think Win32pad just doesn't handle unicode for now but ANSI only.
Be patient, some day, maybe... 
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2005, 10:51:23 am » |
Again FWIW.
Code Sample | metapad v1.35
VMem sizes: metapad 15944KB
using 99% CPU, though it is [i]not[/i] putting a drag on the system
Took 18 min 20 sec to perform the same s&r |
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2005, 01:31:49 am » |
I have a feature request, involving the line numbers.
I would like it, when wordwrap is on, to only display line numbers after every carriage return instead of every line. Can you make a new toggle for me in General Options, or in the View menu?
Just an idea, and it would ease my mind a bit when I have to switch between views in some of my html documents.