Does not highlight URLs,
email@address..."Can't change URL detection" - what does that mean?
suggestions to new version:
1) options to set\remove\autohide: menu bar, tile bar (fullscrean mode)
2) menu. shorten menu string:
- move menu item VIEW to OPTIONS
- move menu item INSERT to EDIT
- move menu item WORDWRAP to OPTIONS
- menu->help->about: clickable urls
3) by default options:
- wordwrap=on
- highlight urls=on
- set default filename("untitled01.txt" for example)
4) drug&drop files to win32pad should add text to existing file, not open new file (opening could be done by doubleclick or rightmouseclick->"open with..." features)
5) context menu:
- remove wordwrap
- add "email" item: crops the selected text, launch default smtp client, paste text into it.
6) autocomplete words from a text file (when typing a word win32pad offer complete word from file autocomplete.txt). Like autotext option does in M$Word. Do not create this file automatically. Use if it exists.
Thanks for nice program.