Win32Pad 1.2 Released
Here is the long awaited release of Win32Pad. It has a number of significant changes and bug fixes. I have
cleaned up the menu and created a new "Options" window which now has two tabs for General and Editor settings. I also added a couple of new fatures. :)
Changes Since 1.1.4:
+ Added new "Options" screen.
+ Menu cleanup.
+ Added "Dropped Files in New Window" (Options screen)
x Changed "Minimize to Tray" from action to option.
x Fixed the whole ???? cyrillic mess.
x Fixed cleanup block indent/outdent code.
x Fixed file save (optimized).
x Fixed Find. (now wraps around).
P.S. Enjoy, and report comments/bugs.
P.S.S. I have received a lot of replies and I just didn't have the time to reply to each one individually. In regards to translations I am asking you to wait for a release or two so that I have enough time to finish some UI and code cleanup and then we will start translating it to other languages than English. We already have a few volunteers that are willing to do the translations. :) And as always I want to thank everybody for the e-mails, bug reports and feedbacks.