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Author Topic: Win32Pad  (Read 221051 times)
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Posts: 16

« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2008, 04:57:31 pm »

I thought all fans and developers of Win32Pad would be interested in this post (in German) from «M3CSL» dated 18. May 2007 —

«Notepad2 ist leider nur fast perfekt, es kann nämlich keine URLs highlighten, was aber Win32Pad kann. Daher verwende ich für txt-files Win32Pad. Für alle anderen und unbekannten Files verwende ich Notepad2, weil es die Syntax von unzähligen Filetypes erkennt.»

In sum, the writer loves Notepad2 for the indentation etc. for different programming languages, but uses Win32Pad for text files generally, especially because Win32Pad supplies live links.

I use Notepad2 for special work for another reason: it allows a person (since April 2008) to use an /f switch followed by the name of a special configuration file (.ini-file) for special purposes.

I wish that Win32Pad had this feature, because mostly I do not need, for now, most of Notepad2's other (excellent) features.

By the way I'd like to mention how good printing is with Win32Pad. The margin defaults are well thought out and work quite well.


Posts: 16

« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2008, 11:36:00 am »

Allen Win32Pad-Kamaraden!

I think we'll all be happy to see that Win32Pad is getting more good coverage.

Win32Pad now listed (9/10/2008) at http://www.xtort.net/ (http://www.xtort.net/)

For an RTF editor that's portable like Win32Pad, have a look (at that same site) at —

http://www.xtort.net/xtort-software/qjot/ (http://www.xtort.net/xtort-software/qjot/) «QJot»



«Es macht keinen Sinn, daß die Kühe Milch geben,
 — Die Bauern nehmen sie ihnen einfach weg!
Kurt Russell
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2008, 07:13:45 am »

for me... maybe the lightest and powerful editing program. BRAVO Gena, i love it.
Posts: 3

« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2008, 11:42:39 pm »

Save icon wrong when modified and then UnDone.

To replicate:  Open a file.  Add a few characters.  The Save icon (the DISK icon) goes from gray to black.  Hit Undo.   While the UnDo icon gets grayed out, the Save icon remains black, instead of returning to Grayed out.  Thus the file shows that it was modified, even after the Undo.  You cannot close the file without being prompted to save. 

While this does parallel the behavior of Notepad, most real editors handle this issue gracefully.  When you hit UnDo back to the state the file was in when opened, it should show the Save icon grayed out.  And there should be no star in the Title Bar, suggesting the need to Save changes.
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2009, 05:50:07 pm »

Win32pad is great! And I do not want a tabbed interface. Simple is good. The one thing I would love to have in Win32pad is a block cursor (a black or dark gray rectangle) when in Overwrite Mode so that you can see that you will replace characters. (A good example of this is in Programmer's File Editor by Alan Phillips.) Then the vertical bar cursor currently used would indicate Insert Mode, and the block cursor would indicate Overwrite Mode. That would be very useful.
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2009, 07:12:19 pm »

hello to all
Posts: 1

« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2009, 10:59:09 pm »

Win32Pad is a wonderful Text Editor, I Like it very much.

There is no new update since long time, why?
Posts: 3

« Reply #22 on: December 24, 2011, 09:27:19 am »

Using Win32Pad

(Repeating this post here, as I read you want feedback in this thread)

I have no idea if you are active yet in this project.

But it is nice, and I enjoy using it very much. I use XP, and it works perfectly for me.

I do wish though, when I copied a line I did not copy the CR/LR to the clipboard when I simply select the line, and hit Ctrl C.

As the simple default this would be nice. It could be an additional option.
Or it could only get the CR/LF when you are copying Multi lines to the clipboard.

Icing on the cake would be a visual paragraph mark in the editorT window showing line feeds.

Thanks again for your work, Ed
I don't expect a response will be forthcoming Smiley
Sr. Member
Posts: 423

« Reply #23 on: January 04, 2012, 12:52:51 pm »

Using Win32Pad

(Repeating this post here, as I read you want feedback in this thread)

I have no idea if you are active yet in this project.

But it is nice, and I enjoy using it very much. I use XP, and it works perfectly for me.

I do wish though, when I copied a line I did not copy the CR/LR to the clipboard when I simply select the line, and hit Ctrl C.

As the simple default this would be nice. It could be an additional option.
Or it could only get the CR/LF when you are copying Multi lines to the clipboard.

Icing on the cake would be a visual paragraph mark in the editorT window showing line feeds.

Thanks again for your work, Ed
I don't expect a response will be forthcoming Smiley

I do read all the posts, just been a bit busy with various things. I will consider your request.

Thank you,

Posts: 1

« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2012, 08:12:33 am »

Win32Pad has become an important tool for both my business as well as personal use

 *Link Removed*
Posts: 4

« Reply #25 on: January 04, 2013, 02:58:23 am »

Win32Pad is just great !
Thanks for this useful tool...

Bugs notified in post "Death jump when copying..." [ http://www.gena01.com/forum/win32pad/death-jump-when-copying/ ] were removed...

Best regards.
Posts: 4

« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2013, 04:31:02 pm »

Win XP Professional SP2
Highlight URLs : yes
Single Click Launch URL : no

When Win32Pad shows a list of URLs (blue colored font...), if you want to insert ( not replace... ) a word from an URL to another, you can't do it because the right click menu to make insertion is a tiny menu without "Paste".

« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 02:56:58 am by paddy » Logged
Posts: 1

« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2013, 08:37:04 am »

This belongs in its own topic but since the form software won't let me post anywhere but in an existing topic, I'm putting it here.

I use win32pad because it lets me work almost seamlessly with speech recognition. The rich text edit control you use just so happens to be one of the few edit controls NaturallySpeaking supports natively. Believe me, it's a Royal pain the ass try to find an editor that does what I need. I need a fix it may not be possible to do easily it would really make a huge difference in my life.

I really need an incremental save. Because of my disability and uses speech recognition, I frequently forget to save . I sometimes go 12-24 hrs. without saving because it just never occurs to me even after I have been burned within the past few days by Windows throwing a hairball. I would love it if there was some way to add to autosave every time Win32 pad loses focus.

I would also love it if there was some way I could specify which instance of Win32 pad I am running. For example, I have my log file which I use for tracking what I'm doing at work and if I use Win32 pad for anything else, I frequently get the wrong instance when I give the command to switch to enter a log note. I want is simply to bring to top the instance editing the file I'm working on and if it doesn't exist, bring up a new instance with that file.

Anyway, thanks for the good work with Win32. It definitely makes a difference in my life
Posts: 1

« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2013, 05:37:23 am »

I just want to say thanks for awesome work on Win32 .
Full Member
Posts: 119

« Reply #29 on: July 15, 2015, 07:55:54 pm »

Hello, hello, hello.
I hope all is well.
Been some time.

But then with great software, what can you say.

Anyhow, years go by, we age, needs & circumstances change.

So... still developing?

This 'ol age thing, hmm.
Well between age & things like bigger wide screen monitors, I'm now finding a few things lacking in the Win32pad department.

-Current line highlight
-Cursor style change (for visual insert/overwrite differentiation)
and, and... damn age! what was the third... well whatever it was, it was along the same lines
[when i remember, i edit the post...]

Anyhow, a few "small" changes would cover me for another decade, if you're still writing :-).


A little bit of history.
In the old days, MS's editors (think Notepad) could only handle files up to a certain, relatively small size.
Not to mention it was relatively slow & clunky.
Win32pad circumvented those limitations, added a few nice features, & maintained simplicity in operation.
What more could you ask for.
Between Win32pad & Vim (Gvim), that's all I've ever needed, using both, daily.

Thank you very much :-).
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